Leadership Development 2024-2025 Series


Register today for the 2024 – 2025 Leadership Development Series 2.(Series 1 is now sold out)

This comprehensive series consists of seven two-day professional development workshops where you will learn essential tools for effective leaderships in today’s organizational environment. Skills and techniques NWTD has adapted, refined, and polished over the past 25 years. This series is completely flexible. Managers, supervisors, and business professionals can pick up any missed workshops in the following year absolutely free!

Series Investment: $3,950 + HST per person
*This includes 14 days of training and materials

Where: Holiday Inn Express (807) 346-0220
1041 Carrick St.(across the Harbour Exprswy from the Superstore), Thunder Bay, Ontario

Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

2024-2025 Series 1 Schedule:

Role of the Supervisor / Leader: Nov. 14 & 15, 2024
Situational Leadership: Dec. 12 & 13, 2024
Planning and Time Management: Jan. 9 & 10, 2025
Communication Skills: Feb. 20 & 21, 2025
Team Building: Mar. 6 & 7, 2025
Performance Management: Apr. 3 & 4, 2025
Conflict Management / Problem Solving: May 1 & 2, 2025

2024-2025 Series 2 Schedule:

Role of the Supervisor / Leader: Nov. 12 & 13, 2024
Situational Leadership: Dec. 10 & 11, 2024
Planning and Time Management: Jan. 7 & 8, 2025
Communication Skills: Feb.18 & 19, 2025
Team Building: Mar. 11 & 12, 2025
Performance Management: Apr. 8 & 9, 2025
Conflict Management / Problem Solving: May 6 & 7, 2025

Outline – 2 day events (scheduled 1 / month)

Role of the Supervisor / Leader
– How organizations work – making sense of values, vision and mission at the front line
– Understanding the basics of leading others – how to figure out the nature of issues and ensure due diligence
– Pygmalion effect – how your expectations create reality
– Transparency and supporting the organization
– The Role of the Supervisor / Leader
– Clarifying roles, responsibilities and boundary limits of your position
– Real world problem solving activity

Situational Leadership
– What is effective leadership?
– Measuring your flexibility and how to improve it
– Diagnosing worker development levels
– Applying leadership styles to various work situations

Planning and Controlling
– Clarifying objectives, writing good ones, and dovetailing with organizational goals
– Strategic long range planning
– Project planning and management
– Planning and controlling daily work schedules
– Personal time management

Communicating Effectively
– How good communication works
– Building rapport and actively listening
– Improving retention by matching styles to listener needs
– Interpersonal communication skills
– Delivering “bad” news while maintaining relationships
– Communication strategy – making organizational communications work
– Gender Communication

Leading Work Groups
– Why groups?
– Consensus decision making that works
– Group problem solving
– Understanding group dynamics
– Applying Situational Leadership to group development
– Measuring group effectiveness
– Running effective meetings

Managing Performance
– Performance analysis – figuring things out when somethings not working
– Defining performance standards and acceptable behaviours
– Coaching for performance
– Counselling as a problem solving application
– Confronting poor performance
– Performance appraisal – effective use of the appraisal as a tool

Problem Solving
– Defining problems, and separating symptoms from problems
– Problem analysis – whats wrong
– Creative problem solving and generating alternatives
– Techniques & tools (eg Kepner-Tregoe, force field, fault trees, structured questions)
– Avoiding classic problem solving traps
-Conflict resolution – styles and relationship issues

– The design involves the same cohort (group) taking the series together – this allows for rapport building and subsequently, greater sharing and a dramatically enhanced learning curve.
-The content is linked and connected from one event to the next, as opposed to a series of disconnected events – learners apply learnings in the workplace after each event and bring practical issues back to each following workshop for discussion.
– The facilitator develops a personal rapport with the participants over the series and this allows for coaching opportunities regarding individual issues.